Definition of Spirituality

Spirituality is perceiving and experiencing of an all-embracing great-presence (omnipresent primeval presence).

This presence can have different names.

The way of relating to this to the great-presence is personal and individual.

The alignment with this great-presence manifests in love of life and of all there is.

Leading Sentences:

  1. We recognize that we must begin with consciously changing our own attitudes in order to set into motion further progress.
  2. We want to be truthful. (We strive for veracity).
  3. We treat ourselves and all there is mindfully and kindly.
  4. We take responsibility for ourselves and for our existence on this planet.
  5. We are working on structures towards a kind of cooperation, which will foster and strengthen the sense of responsibility in everyone.
  6. We are striving for a holistic and interconnected vision focused on sustainability. And we consider the world, which we perceive with our physical senses, to merely be a part of the whole reality.
  7. We acknowledge that all beings have the right of existence. And we stand up for everything that serves life.
  8. We discriminate life fostering from life hampering actions and attitudes in man.
  9. We are striving to change flawed structures which are destructive to life.
  10. We stand up for peace. We take conflicts seriously, and we try to solve them in a mindful, honest, and constructive way (with non-violent actions).
  11. In decision making we strive for solutions which are acceptable to all concerned (consensus decisions).
  12. We are concerned to live our daily lives according to our conscious attitude.

Resolved in the European meeting of dynamic 5 on the 21st July 2004


Stand 14.09.2011